Norsk Stål Supports Student Organization Propulse NTNU
As Norways largest distributor of steel and metals we take our responsibilties seriously. Its important for us to give back to our communities, especially towards children and youths. This month we would like to highlight one of the projects we've supported.
Propulse NTNU is a voluntary student organization at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The goal of the organization is to give students a chance to gain practical engineering experience, through a rocket science project. Their aim is to compete in the worlds largest international rocket competition, the Spaceport America Cup in New Mexico.
We're all fulltime students who work on this project during our spare time. As a group we put many many hours into this project and its incredibly fun to see how far our teamwork takes us. However, we're also dependent on resources and help from sponsors in order to move forward, which is why we are very appreciative of the support we recieve Norsk Stål and our other sponsors, says Vebjørn Bratlie of Propulse NTNU

Usually the project spans over 9 months. The long hours and hectic days are filled to the brim with differen activities designed to ensure high productivity and continuous learning amongst the members. The rocket is designed with a specific scientific mission in mind, as defined by the members of the organization.
The material Norsk Stål have sponsored will be used for the parachutes trigger mechanism, as well as various applications for the research and development of the hybrid engine.
We are happy to contribute to this very exciting project and we wish Propulse NTNU the best of luck in their upcoming competition!